Every day huge amounts of digital data is born. Due to legal or historical reasons, part of the digital data has to be preserved for centuries or future generations, respectively. None of the current digital storage media is suitable for long-term archiving: what is the lifetime of digital data on a hard drive, a CD-ROM, a DVD or a magnetic tape and do we still have soft- and hardware for retrieving it in 20 years?


Already a long time before the computer era storage on microfilm was the first choice for archives: the microfilm as a data storage medium has a life expectancy of 500 years and can be retrieved and read anytime in the future by simple rescanning.


By the innovative development of the company Pro Archive Ltd., the Eternity Laser recorder, the well-proven advantages of the microfilm are accessible to today’s computer technology leading to unbeatable advantages for long-term archiving. With the patented technology users are for the first time able to record fully automatic, with high speed, unsurpassed image resolution, without layout and format restrictions onto colour microfilm. This innovation offers exceptional new archiving cost levels, combined with superior accuracy of archival copies, designed for archival periods ranging from decades to centuries.


Our customers are companies and institutions with defined legal or cultural requirements for long-term archiving of digital documents and images.